sic transit gloria.

"is that Latin?"

Thursday, June 09, 2005

"life is just a series

of peaks and troughs. and you don't know whether you're in a trough until you're climbing out, or on a peak until you're coming down." (david brent, the office series 2, episode 6)

today was my last class of my last day of my last quarter of my last (undergraduate) year at ucla.

it was cloudy, yet brightened up eventually.

i don't know what i should be feeling, or for that matter if i'm feeling anything at all. i do know that i'm not particularly happy. or sad. i'm more confused than anything else. they say that it's between the ages of 18 and 26 that we undergo the most meaningful, dramatic, and profound life changes. i have no idea if that's true or not, but if that's the case then i'm halfway through said developmental phase and have no idea what's in store. so perhaps it's the fear that's settling in. hopefully i'll learn to embrace the uncertainty, which is something i'm usually pretty good at, or at least that's what i like to tell myself. anyway i'm sure that this is one of the millions of "holy-fuck-what-do-i-do-now" posts by graduating college kids scattered throughout the blogosphere.

speaking of graduates, anne bancroft passed away yesterday. here's to you, mrs. robinson.


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