sic transit gloria.

"is that Latin?"

Sunday, June 05, 2005

the week in review.

twas a strange one. here are some highlights and deleted scenes.

i finally got the haircut i've been promising myself for the past 3 weeks. one of the reasons for said haircut being that i didn't fit into my graduation cap. in case you didn't know, the mortarboard is the most unflattering piece of headgear ever invented. either that or i just always look stupid in them. i was way too fucking lazy to drive across town (not to mention way too fucking broke to pay 25 bucks for a haircut) to rudy's so i settled for oakley's, which is definitely one of the better places in westwood. after the deed was done the hairdresser said, "with this haircut you better not give it up for 5 bucks and a hamburger. some of my clients give it up for a quarter and even forget the burger!" then she laughed heartily.

i saw a homeless man walking through a church parking lot at around midnight, kicking down trash cans as he passed through. another homeless man with dreadlocks ran at him from behind (also kicking down gargabe cans), tackled him and started pummeling him. then a priest showed up with a 6 cell, 20" maglite and broke up the fracas.

at around 3am on the 405 south right before the getty a highway patrol car turned on its lights and started weaving right in front of me, slowing down the traffic. the 2 right lanes up ahead were closed off for a quarter mile stretch and there were 4 fire trucks, 3 tow trucks, and a handful of police cars dealing with a crazy accident involving at least 8 cars, all of them fucked beyond repair.

the main street surrounding the university was likewise blocked off with fire trucks and police cars because a girl fell out of her dorm window. or so we were told.

i saw one of my little cousins and he proceeded to tell me the entire plot of revenge of the sith. the story took 15 minutes and not one breath. i was never invested in seeing it anyway. on a separate occasion i saw one of my 30-something cousins who spoke at length about stonewashed jeans and guns, not in the same sentence. this conversation made me sad.

i decided that next year i won't be living with the people i've been planning to. we were planning to move into this place for a while but personal and financial reasons are holding me back from doing so (you can email me if you really want to know). they're my good friends and i felt bad telling them this just a few weeks before school ends--but it's better i said something than be miserable all year long. funny thing is that a couple of hours after i told them the bad news, we found out that the apartment we were planning to move into is no longer available. hopefully everything works out for them.

as of now i am 2 papers, 2 projects, 1 final and 4 days of class away from freedom.

i turn 22 in one week,

and graduate in two.

the next day work begins.

the summer will be full of film and music.

i have been unhealthy, unmotivated and unstable. hopefully that will change.

i haven't done laundry in a month,

my room is a mess and so am i.


  • At 1:39 AM, Blogger Bozasm said…

    2 projects, 2 tests, 1 homework assignment, and 4 classes away myself. Scary isn't it?


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