sic transit gloria.

"is that Latin?"

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

as part of my vain attempt to fall asleep

i just googled, "how to fall asleep." this is what i've been reduced to. this is my life. in its infinite wisdom the internets informed me of a myriad of factors why i may still be awake, the two most relevant to me seem to be:

"anxiety about that day, the next day, or everyday for the rest of your life," or

"an inability to stop thinking about the day's events." (via goaskalice)

well, duh. although i must admit the first one made me laugh; isn't this called depression? whatever. thanks a lot, alice. thanks a whole fucking lot.


  • At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    do you drink coffee? do you exercise?


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